Foot drop is a common condition in the UK in which an individual is unable to lift their foot due to weakness or paralysis causing an individual to regularly catch their toes. So, what is the solution?
There is an endless number of reasons why a foot drop may occur, but if you struggle from foot drop you are not alone, it’s something that in many cases can be easily helped. There are many patients who
struggle thinking there is no help available.
What are my options?
Unfortunately for many patients’ foot drop is something that is permanent. There are multiple options available; first is surgery but this is only suitable for a very small number of patients, the next treatment option is therapy to help maintain range of motion and strength and the third option often necessary is orthotics.
What can orthotics do to help?
After an initial consultation if deemed suitable an ankle foot orthosis can be ordered to keep the foot lifted in swing phase of gait to prevent a patient catching their toes and prevent falls from occurring. This is something that has been well thought of in the world of orthotics and there are so many options available from devices that attach to the outside of the shoe, to devices that hide inside the shoe and custom-made devices to meet various foot drop needs. This will allow an individual to gain a normal gait pattern in which they aren’t having to constantly think about lifting their foot up and gain a good quality of life back.
Written by Becca Collingwood